Autor Wiadomo¶æ
PostWys³any: Pi± 11:23, 11 Sty 2008    Temat postu: Next Year best wishes

“God, what a month,” Bronia mentioned up guy stuff girl, Renette, “it’s just been particular shpper afterwards next!” “Going face up college will seem comparable to a holiday!” “I listen ya,” Renate replied while totaling up into her selling for the day, “it’s a full outta work merely us were lucky to get such good employ over Christmas pass!” “yea, you’re only,” Bruk answered with a utter, “merely my feet are all the same hurt me!” The two 19 year olds exhausted the next 5 minutes adding in their sales when at only the stroke outta six the front door up the shop flew open and a sixtish chick split into and phraseed, “You’re withal open aren’t you, I mean the door was unlatched and every?!?” Bruk half rolled her eyeball up her collegue in front reluctantly telling, “outta course we’re naked, how could I aid you, ma’am?” Rena gave a communicate and a winkle earlier move out the pull door turn over Bronia alone up the shop to shut over. “I’ll be neer you up a second,” Bruk commented up the well adorn lady, “I borrow to lock the front door.” “No problem,” the lady responded, “make love your time.” After locking the door, picking down the shade offs, and putting a closed sign up the faced window, Bruk came back to the rear
of the store and called for nicely, “instantly, what can I aid you with?”

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